Nancy can tackle any construction job, large or small, in whatever capacity suits your individual needs. As an expert green builder, she can ensure your project has a minimal impact on the environment during construction by using sustainable materials management.
With this approach, she uses materials in the most productive way, with an emphasis on using less, reduces toxic chemicals and environmental impacts throughout the material life cycle and helps to assure that we—as global citizens—have sufficient resources to meet both today and tomorrow’s needs.
Some of Nancy’s most called-upon services include:
Want to be involved, but not 'that' involved? Count on Nancy to partner with you on the big decisions, without involving you in the nuts & bolts.
Clients across the Bay Area have counted on Nancy to handle every aspect of a project from cherry-picking the best contractors to approving every final detail so that they can go on with their daily lives, and then enjoy the fruits of her team's labor.
As an Industrial Design graduate from San Francisco State and the Bay Area's first female Certified Green Builder, Nancy will bring your vision to fruition, using the budget you set and the construction practices you care about.
LICENSE #952450
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